
Starbucks Seasonal Drinks

Being from Seattle, I love Starbucks. In both American and Japan I drink Starbucks almost every day. Starbucks is known for the fact that it never changes. In the states, we always say that no matter where you go, Starbucks is the same. But since I came here, I realized how wrong that is. Starbucks in Japan is very much catered to the Japanese consumer. Japanese people love seasonal changes. They are very proud of having four distinct seasons, and you can see it in the crazy amount of seasonal food and drinks that they have in almost every restaurant. In America where we do have seasonal drinks, there are very few. Starbucks for example, usually has a new drink or two every season in America, most notable is their famous Christmas drinks, the peperment mocha, the pumkpin spice mocha and the gingerbread mocha. while in Japan they have a new flavor almost every month. One of the most notable and uniquely Japanese Starbucks drinks is the sakura (cherry blossom) latte that can only be purchased for a few weeks in April. The amount of seasonal foods and drinks in Japan has always intrigued me and I always look forward to the next one that comes out. The first picture shown is a picture of a Frappuccino that I ordered in the  wintertime, that had a very long name along the lines of, “chocolate whip chocolate chip vanilla cream Frappuccino”. The second is a picture of the famous “Sakura latte”. The third picture is of the “tiramisu Frappuccino” and the final one is one that I ordered a few weeks ago, the “strawberry cheesecake Frappuccino”.

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